Write Review to Get Free PDFelement

PDFelement 6 Pro
Write Review to Get Free PDFelement

How to participate?
1. Download PDFelement 6 Pro trial version and try it!
2. Write your using experience such as what you like and dislike.
3. Share your review on any public sites where we can read it (Facebook, Twitter,blog, forums etc)
4. Send your shared link or screenshot to email: pdfelement@wondershare.com before deadline.
5. We will read reviews and send quality reviewers lifetime licensed PDFelement 6 Pro as your Christmas gift.
Deadline: 31st. December. 2017
(PDFelement reserved all rights of explanation)

Christmas is coming! We'd like to invite our customers to try PDFelement on Windows or Mac,and write illustrated review (800-1500 Words). 
As a Thank-You gift, we will give PDFelement 6 Pro (with OCR) as a Christmas gift. 
Deadline: 31st. Dec.2017.